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Dieses Tabakprodukt schädigt Ihre Gesundheit und macht stark abhängig. Ce produit du tabac nuit à votre santé et crée une forte dépendance. Questo prodotto del tabacco nuoce alla tua salute e provoca un’elevata dipendenza.





What are Heated Tobacco Products?

Did you know there’s an easy way to enjoy tobacco and nicotine without the smoke and ash that come with conventional cigarettes? Many smokers are making the switch to heated tobacco products – an alternative approach to nicotine consumption that many find to be altogether more convenient and sociable.

Wondering whether you should make the change? Read on for everything you need to know about tobacco heating products, including how they work and how they compare to other options, such as sticking with cigarettes or vaping.

How heated tobacco products work

Heated tobacco products consist of a heating device and sticks containing tobacco – we call them neo™ sticks. The stick is inserted into the device, which is then activated at the push of a button. This begins a speedy heating process which is complete in less than 20 seconds. By this point your tobacco stick will have hit exactly 270°C and inhaling on it will release aerosol containing tobacco and nicotine for you to inhale. It’s the same satisfying experience as smoking, just that there’s no smoke or ash involved* thanks to our heat-not-burn technology.

Heated tobacco vs cigarettes

There are some things that heating tobacco and smoking cigarettes have in common. For one, they contain similar quantities of tobacco, which is why many former smokers say that heating tobacco offers the same enjoyable experience. That’s in comparison to alternatives such as vapes, which contain no tobacco at all. Both smoking and heating tobacco also involve the inhalation of an aerosol, which carries the tobacco and nicotine into the body for consumption.

But that’s where the comparisons stop when it comes to heated tobacco vs smoking. When you light up a cigarette, you begin a combustion process. The tobacco then begins to burn at extremely high temperatures – indeed giving off an aerosol for the smoker to inhale – but also producing smoke, ash and a strong smell in the process.

Tobacco heaters take a different approach. Rather than burning, they bring the tobacco to exactly 270°C, which is more than enough to produce the aerosol to be inhaled. The difference is that there’s no smoke or ash given off at these lower temperatures. And because far less charring of the tobacco takes place, the smell is greatly reduced too.

That’s not all. glo™ devices produce fewer and lower levels of toxicants than are given off by the smoking of conventional cigarettes, by as much as 90-95%**. Take all of this into account and it’s easy to see why many former smokers find tobacco heaters to be a great option both for their own convenience and enjoyment, as well as in terms of the impact on others around them.

Tobacco heaters vs e-cigarettes

When it comes to heated tobacco vs vaping, there’s one clear and obvious difference. E-cigarettes work by heating e-liquid until it’s converted into a vapour, which is then inhaled. This e-liquid comes in a variety of nicotine strengths, allowing consumers to tailor their experience and find a level that’s a comfortable alternative to their cigarette smoking – something that’s also true of tobacco sticks. But check the ingredients of that e-liquid and you’ll find there’s no tobacco in there at all.

That’s where tobacco heaters find their niche. If you want to continue consuming tobacco but are tempted by the convenience of vaping, tobacco heating devices could be the alternative you’re looking for.

Indeed, there are still similarities between tobacco heaters and vapes. Both involve an electronic, battery-powered device that produces aerosol to be inhaled. They’re easy to use on the go, come in a selection of tasty flavours, and produce no smoke or ash. Tobacco heaters and vapes offer the same great social benefits and level of convenience, but given they contain no tobacco at all, vapes and e-liquids are only suited to those ready to call it quits with tobacco yet stick with or reduce their nicotine consumption.

If you’re ready to explore an alternative to smoking while continuing to consume tobacco, browse glo™ tobacco heater devices today. Choose from our neo™ sticks and switch between various intensities, flavours and nicotine strengths until you find the perfect match. For more information about our glo™ device and the neo™ stick, read the Discover glo™.

* Heats tobacco, without burning. This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.

** This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance. Comparison of smoke from a scientific standard reference cigarette (approximately 9 mg tar) and emissions from glo™, in terms of the average of the 9 harmful components the World Health Organisation recommends to reduce in cigarette smoke.